Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday dinner together

We were able to enjoy a nice Sunday dinner with the Becks before they leave back for Utah tomorrow. Dad was even able to come out and be with us. He is still struggling to get back on his feet. The doctor changed his gout medicine and we are hoping that it will get him better.

Mom continues to get raving reviews from the in home health care nurses. She will start radiation in two weeks.

We will miss a lot Becky and can't say enough about what she has done for mom and dad.

Some other news. Mom and Dad have now got an Ipad that they are starting to use. You can see it in the picture. Dad's holding it. They had an Ipod touch for a couple of years but always struggled with the smallness of the screen and buttons. They are excited to try it again with the Ipad.

We signed them up with a new email address as well. It is:

They welcome emails and are hoping that in time to be able to write back.

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