Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dad's Status - 6:47 pm

Dad is doing better as far as his vitals being regulated. Heart Rate = 93, Blood Pressure = 121/68. His eco-cardiogram came back positive. The Dr. said that his heart looked, "great." and that the arrhythmia could be indicative of electrical issues rather than physical damage, which was ruled out by the eco-cardiogram. He could have suffered a mild heart attack from the respiratory crash. They are going to keep watching that part of it.

They are going to give him in a few hours a CT-Scan of his head and stomach. The head to see if there is anything head related to his incoherency and unresponsiveness, ie. stroke. The stomach to see why he still has stuff being sucked out and to see if there is any other reason for infections. 

The next 24 will be revealing as to where all this is going. I was able to administer a blessing to Dad with the help of Elder Bingham, who is serving a S&I mission here from Idaho. 

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